Delhi HC directs Delhi government to provide free food & treatment to poor HIV patients


eMediNexus    03 January 2023

The Delhi High Court has ordered the Delhi government to provide HIV-positive people living below the poverty line with free food and medical care.


The HC′s division bench, Chief Justice Satish Chandra Sharma and justice Subramonium Prasad, issued the instructions. They were hearing to a public interest litigation (PIL) filed by people with multiple disabilities and HIV/AIDS who wanted the Center to make decisions on all necessary policies and programs at the national and state levels for food security, permanent housing, shelter, and other amenities for well-being, including hot cooked meals, quickly.


The division bench in the order, dated December 20 stated, "This court finds it apposite to mention that the government shall ensure strict compliance of the statutory provisions under the 2017 Act, read with its rules made there under. The government is also directed to ensure free food and medical treatment to HIV positive persons, who are below the poverty line and unable to afford the same."


The court ensured that The Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (Prevention & Control) Act, 2017, was being strictly followed. It noted that the Delhi government had taken all reasonable measures to ensure that inexpensive treatment is available for those living with HIV/AIDS who lack the financial means to do so.


The latest affidavit submitted by the government on December 19 mentioned 120 beneficiaries enrolled under the Travel Concession Scheme for PLHIVS/CLHIVs for people/children infected with HIV attending the ART centers in Delhi. It noted the government′s submission that various rehabilitative schemes and measures are being taken to provide aid and assistance to improve the condition of patients who are HIV-positive.


(Source: https://health.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/industry/ensure-free-food-treatment-to-poor-hiv-patients-says-delhi-hc/96695808)

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